Volunteer. Grow. Lead

About Us

GoGive Time is a location-based volunteering application designed to foster collaboration between community members, including students, professionals, and leaders, and organisations dedicated to addressing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

On the GoGive Time platform, organisations and communities can easily create accounts and organise volunteering events aimed at tackling various social issues within their communities. These events, which can be either physical or virtual, serve as opportunities for volunteers to actively engage in making a difference.

One of the unique features of GoGive Time is its categorisation of social challenges according to the SDGs. This allows organisations and communities to align their efforts with specific goals they are passionate about. Volunteers, in turn, have the flexibility to choose events that resonate with their interests and availability.

Moreover, GoGive Time provides robust data analytics for all events, enabling organisations to track engagement and build volunteer databases across different communities. By incorporating gamification elements such as points, badges, certificates, and leaderboards, the platform encourages active participation from both organisations and volunteers.

At GoGive Time, our mission is clear: to empower the next generation to Volunteer, Grow, and Lead. If you're ready to make a meaningful to Volunteer, Grow, and Lead. If you're ready to make a meaningful impact and embark on a volunteering journey that truly matters, join us today. Together, let's work towards creating a brighter future for our communities.


Our Focus


At GoGive Time, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive environment where women and individuals living with disabilities can thrive. We actively collaborate with organisations that share our commitment to promoting women leaders and supporting the disabled community.


The safety and well-being of our volunteers and community members are of utmost importance to GoGive Time. The volunteer experience provides a meaningful opportunity for students, professionals, and organisations to give back to society while ensuring the highest standards of safety and security.

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